The Story:
People Of Avalon:
Other Stuff:
The Author:
Group Photo of Workers
A group photo of mill workers at Avalon. A number of children can be picked out amongst the crowd. The source identifies only a few people in the image. Edgar Hege(Superintendent) can be seen in the left, toward the front, wearing a dark jacket, a hat, and a tie. In front of the group on the left Emmett R. Suttenfield(an overseer) stands holding what appears to be a rolled up paper. Front center stands C.B. Daniels(a photographer and manager at the mill). C.B. Daniels took this picture using a string to trigger the camera's shutter. Circa 1900.Download Full Resolution: (2572 x 1457 pixels) Size: 584 Kb.
- Image Source: Unknown, Avalon Mill Group (1900-1911), Location, Avalon, NC, Image [from Avalon: A North Carolina Town of Joy and Tragedy (Chapel Hill, NC: Books, 1977), 18].